Thursday, May 24, 2012


hi ppl,
             How do you define character? your thought , thought process towards your every action?  What do you think makes u follow the process of this thinking, to attend to it, to stick to it, to abide by it ? the fear of inconsistence....inconsistent in following your conscience.

                         Yes, FEAR is what defines you,  to what you fear defines who you are,  ain't it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

a Loser I am

as far as i know, i like things and end up seeing it in others hands a few times in others hearts .....
yes a loser i am, i cry inside and bury it.....just to bring it back anew .

I was humming the Kun Faya song (rockstar) inside me.......a materialistic guy i guess, i love happy things and usually crave for them......but as i know i always loved my innocence until recently i found my self how much of a fool i had been and i would be. :(

I llove the ppl around me ....... and i would always wish they get the peace they want......coz i kinda know how it will be a whole day without any peace around....:p

just as i like ppl, they might also like someone else rite ? honest point......

u gotta accept and move on.....ha ha , the latter never happen until the former comes up again....;